Fast Babes Featured Rider: @backroadbimbo

Name: Kylie

Instagram: @backroadbimbo

We met Kylie at Babes Ride Out East Coast this year. She rolled out on her ‘99 Sportster with some other bad ass babes. Her carefree, go with the flow attitude had us intrigued! She is located in Kingston, NH so if you’re looking for a babe in the North East to ride with, shoot her a message on Instagram!

Where did you grow up and where do you currently reside?

I grew up in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Houghton to be exact and was raised by my grandparents. It has a very cute, small hometown feel. I currently live in Kingston, NH with my partner Dave and our dog Bella. I basically traded Lake Superior for the Atlantic Ocean.

How did you initially get involved with motorcycles?

Back in 2016 I took a job working in Internet Sales at Seacoast Harley Davidson. I took the riding academy there and got my endorsement.

When did you get your first bike and what was it? 

It was 2018 when I got my first and only bike. It's a 1999 Harley Davidson sportster 883.

What do you currently ride and why?

I'm still on my first bike, I love her and just feel like I know her so well. I really need to get out of my comfort zone and start riding bigger/different bikes. I want to eventually get a chopper and also get a bike that is more comfortable for long distances. (My lil sporty just doesn't feel very safe on the highway.) I got extremely humbled at Babes Ride Out when I took out a friends bike and dumped it. She did warn me that her bike had a lot of torque. I have a lot of growing to do in this sport, I also want a pit bike. I just want all the fucking bikes.

What is your happiest memory that involves motorcycles?

My happiest memory is when I FINALLY learned how to use my reserve properly. I had been running out of gas alot.....

Outside of motorcycles, tell us a little about yourself?

I would best describe myself as the life of the party. And that’s pretty cool considering I’m over 2 years sober from booze. I’ve very loud, outspoken, and honest. I enjoy thrifting and from time to time a resell stuff at pop ups and online. @hardknocks_secondhand

I also enjoy going to yoga and have been practicing for over a year and a half. Been focusing on myself lately, and trying to be the most authentic and healthy version.

How have you become a more confident rider? Things you’ve done to help you gain confidence? 

Going on longer rides have definitely helped me. I also enjoy riding with people who are more experienced.

Truck and trailering bikes helped build confidence I was scared shitless the first time riding my bike up a ramp and by the end of the trip I rode it up like a pro. You have to do things that scare you to gain more skills.

What is your dream trip/bucket list ride(s)?

Honestly I’ve never really thought about this. Im not a planner and just like to take life as it comes. It would be dope to ride my bike from NH to my home town in Michigan and ride with my dad. He just purchased his first Harley last year and we’ve never rode together so I would like to change that.

How do you think motorcycles have changed your life?

It has helped my mental health, it’s honestly the best form of therapy for me. Im also a purist in the fact that I don’t listen to music or talk to people while riding. I just enjoy listening to the bike and myself. I’ve worked through many problems talking to myself while riding.

Do you have any upcoming motorcycle trips/rides planned?

Lots of things are up in the air at the moment. So stay tuned and follow @backroadbimbo!


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